Articles Tagged with Union County

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: ” If an incident report was filled out, do I have a right to receive a copy?”

The majority of people all across the United States rely on automobiles to get around. This is true in North Carolina, as well. Lack of reliable public transportation systems and convenience are popular reasons that people turn to cars to get around. With so many cars on the road, there are many car accidents. Reports show that in 2016, there were 267,494 traffic crashes reported in North Carolina. Breaking this down, this averages to approximately 732 traffic crashes every day.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What if a loved one dies from the injuries sustained in a serious accident while the case is pending?”

Most people who have driven a vehicle will tell you that they have been angered by another motorist on the road at one point or another in their driving career. You may associate this with the term “road rage.” You might have heard a friend say they had road rage, or you yourself might have said it about your own experience. Road rage is more than a driver getting annoyed by another driver on the road. It can be a serious, even deadly, danger to drivers on the roadways.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What happens if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance?”

With so many cars on the road, it is not surprising that traffic accidents are a common occurrence. Studies show that the number of car crashes in North Carolina is increasing. This includes the number of hit and run accidents. A hit and run accident is just as it sounds – after a car crash, a car flees the scene of an accident. Being involved in a car accident can result in serious injuries. When a driver flees the scene of a car accident, it becomes more difficult for any injured victims to get justice.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is Maximum Medical Improvement and how does it effect my claim?”

When we are sick, injured, or otherwise needing medical attention, we expect our medical professionals to treat us with care and attention so that we can get back to our “normal,” healthy selves. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other medical staff/providers are responsible for the well-being and care of people and therefore are held to a standard of care to provide to their patients. Even with care requirements, mistakes can happen that result in additional injuries or damages to an individual. This sometimes results in a legal claim for medical malpractice.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”

It is not uncommon to hear personal injury attorneys talk about whether or not they have settled a case or taken the case to trial. Studies have found that up to 97% of personal injury cases that are filed in the United States settle out of court. They do not go all the way to trial. If this seems like a high percentage to you, that is because it is. It is rare for a personal injury suit to make it to trial, but that is not to say that there are not cases that go to trial. There are many reasons that a case might settle. Just because a settlement offer is made, it does not mean that the settlement offer has to be accepted.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”

Being involved in an accident, or injured in any way, can be devastating and hard to deal with. You might suddenly be left with medical bills and no way to pay them, the loss of a job because you cannot perform the same functions, or even just the difficult task of recovering from an injury. When an injury is caused by the negligence of another, you might be entitled to recovery through a personal injury suit in North Carolina. A personal injury suit holds the responsible party civilly liable for your injuries and often requires them to pay you damages for the injury. This might seem like an easy and straightforward process, but it can be complicated and must be done correctly in order to receive a favorable judgment.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is the value of my case?”

When you have been injured, regardless how serious, the first priority is healing and figuring out how to move forward with your life. Additionally, you might also decide to pursue a legal avenue for recovering for your damages. A personal injury suit is a way to recover damages for the injuries you sustained because of the negligence or wrongful act of another. You might think that this is straight-forward. You get injured, file a suit, prove damages, and receive your award. This is not always true. Personal injury suits can be complicated and difficult. There are many factors, which might be surprising to some, that can alter personal injury suit outcomes.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “Do I have to pay taxes on a settlement or jury award in a personal injury case?”

Anyone who has been injured in any way knows how difficult it can be to recover. From a minor injury to a major injury, the healing process can cause many inconveniences in daily life. For some injuries sustained, an injured party can file a personal injury suit to recover damages for medical bills, lost wages, and more. In North Carolina, a personal injury suit is filed on the basis of negligence. When another person is negligent and that negligence results in damages to you, there is the possibility to recover for those damages. Many people know that they can recover damages for injuries, but are unsure where those damages come from. How are personal injury suits valued? The following are the ways in which the monetary value of a personal injury claim can be determined.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can my employer fire me because I filed a workers’ compensation claim?”

Look around. Every building and structure is a result of the hard work of construction workers who make it their life’s work to be a part of the construction of buildings and structures. Working in construction is not without its risks. Every day, construction workers across the country go to emergency rooms with injuries sustained on the job. One of the biggest risks of injuries to construction workers is the danger of serious falls. However, that is not the only danger to construction workers. In North Carolina, the leading cause of fatal accidents in the state are incidents in which the worker has been “struck-by” an object. It is important for construction workers to know their rights when it comes to work related injuries and for their families to know their rights in the event of a fatality.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What does the “one-bite rule” mean in NC dog bite cases?”

Just about everyone loves dogs. If you walk down the street and see a cute dog, you smile and maybe even ask to pet it. More and more businesses are allowing dogs to be inside the premises. “Pet friendly” refers to the practice of businesses allowing patrons to bring their dogs into a store while they shop. This is not just service dogs, but dogs who are simply companions.

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