Articles Tagged with distracted driving

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”

It seems like spring weather is here to stay and we can all get excited for the upcoming summer months. When the sun is out, it seems like everyone has a boost of energy and happiness. More and more time is spent outside, whether that be walking around or riding a bicycle. It is not just local individuals who are spending more and more time soaking up the nice weather. This is also prime time for tourists and visitors to enjoy the sights and all that North Carolina has to offer.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: ” If an incident report was filled out, do I have a right to receive a copy?”

The majority of people all across the United States rely on automobiles to get around. This is true in North Carolina, as well. Lack of reliable public transportation systems and convenience are popular reasons that people turn to cars to get around. With so many cars on the road, there are many car accidents. Reports show that in 2016, there were 267,494 traffic crashes reported in North Carolina. Breaking this down, this averages to approximately 732 traffic crashes every day.

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “If I am injured in a car accident or at work what should I do?”

We recently discussed the issue of the rising death toll in auto accidents across the country. Figures released by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration revealed that more than 37,000 people died in auto accidents in 2016. The stunning figure represents not only an increase over the previous year, but a substantial increase when compared to only two years prior. In fact, traffic fatalities in the U.S. have leaped by an astounding 14.4% in the past two years alone.

Charlotte DWI Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “Can I represent myself on a traffic ticket?”

Last year was a bad year from a traffic and safety perspective. According to recently released numbers from the Department of Transportation, more than 37,000 people were killed in automobile crashes in 2016. That number represents a 5 percent increase over the figures from 2015. Though this one-year increase is troubling enough, it is made worse when you understand that 2015’s numbers represented a 9 percent increase over figures from 2014.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is subrogation and how may it factor into my case?”

We’re reminded on a seemingly endless basis just how dangerous personal electronic devices can be when used by drivers behind the wheel. Numbers from federal regulators show that fatal car accidents are increasing across the country and one main reason for the rise appears to be the prevalence of distracted driving. Though we all recognize the harm, at least theoretically, few appear to be willing to take concrete steps to make things better.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “How much time do I have to file a claim for my personal injuries after an accident?”

For those who own automobiles, you’ve likely been met with bad news when you opened your recent renewal letters. Insurance companies say that rates across the country have been on the rise, reversing years of declines. What’s the reason for the increase? Most experts say that there is a clear link between increases in insurance rates and the prevalence of smartphones. The personal electronics are now so commonplace and can be so distracting that the number of auto accidents, injuries and deaths are rising, leading to a corresponding rise in the rate that ordinary people must pay to insure their vehicles.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I post about my injury on Social Media?”

Everyone knows that drivers today face far more distractions than those decades or even several years ago. Though the cars themselves have grown more distracting, with DVD players, apps, maps and even in-car Wi-Fi, smartphones represent the most common and most alluring distraction to most drivers. The calls, texts, emails, internet, social media and multitude of apps can prove to be too tempting for many people to resist. This has led to an increase in fatal accidents, reversing a long downward trend. On a societal level it’s a problem in need of a solution, but on a personal or familial level it can be devastating.

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “If I am injured in a car accident or at work what should I do?”

The danger of using cellphones behind the wheel is evident to everyone by now. For years, we’ve all heard about accidents caused by distraction linked to cellphones used for talking, texting or surfing the internet. Despite the endless warnings, some have refused to take heed and alter their behavior. A recent settlement involving a North Carolina company whose truck driver crashed into an unsuspecting motorist might spur actual changes in an industry that has been slow to take such steps. To find out more, keep reading.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What exactly is a wrongful death claim?”

Anyone who pays attention to the news has heard about the terrible increase in deadly car accidents in recent years. In fact, the problem has gotten so bad that auto fatalities have risen at rates not seen in more than 50 years. This tremendous growth in deadly driving has been tied to a number of factors, chief among them the increase in distracted driving. Given the rise, some have begun to wonder whether cellphone manufacturers and cellphone service providers have a responsibility to prevent the devices, which the companies earn tremendous profits off of, from being used for deadly purposes.

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “If I am injured in a car accident or at work what should I do?”

Everyone knows how dangerous distracted driving can be. Whether it’s fiddling with the radio, dealing with unruly kids in the backseat or, far more commonly, interacting with your smartphone, that split-second lapse in attention can, and frequently does, prove to be fatal. If you or a loved one are involved in such an accident, it might occur to you to sue the driver responsible, after all, he or she is the one who chose to text and drive. But what about the company that makes the app the person was using at the time? According to legal experts, holding the developers of the apps that distracted drivers are using legally liable is an emerging trend in the world of personal injury law. To find out more about these kinds of cases and how they would work, keep reading.

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