Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What if the medical condition improves before the hearing?”
It’s bad news for those who love going for walks. A recent study by the groups Smart Growth America and National Complete Streets Coalition found that Charlotte ranks among the 10 deadliest cities for pedestrians in the country. Charlotte has company at the bottom of the list, with the majority of the most dangerous places being located in the southern U.S.
The report ranked 51 of the largest cities in the country based on statistics including pedestrian fatalities and injuries. The report found that those cities in the South were far more likely than other regions to rank high in terms of pedestrian danger due to the general lack of walkable areas and the rapid growth the region has experienced in recent years.
The growth among southern cities such as Charlotte, Orlando, Houston and Miami has often led to the creation of ever-larger roadways designed to funnel huge amounts of vehicle traffic out of cities. These road projects are all too often built without attention to pedestrians in the area, something that often leads to injury and even death.