Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What exactly is a wrongful death claim?”

A distraught mother from North Carolina has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against a security company after she claims they put her son in a cab and sent him home despite him already being dead. The horrible incident took place in November 2011 at the Cumberland County Hospital.


Cab Car Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Auto Accident AttorneyThe woman says that her son, A’Darrin Washington, had been going to the Cumberland County Hospital for 10 years for treatment of his recurrent pneumonia. Washington suffered from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and was used to dealing with a variety of health complications.


A week before the fatal cab ride, Washington checked himself into the hospital complaining of severe illness. Doctors initially misdiagnosed Washington as suffering from bacterial pneumonia. Days later, the doctors realized their mistake and began treating Washington for fungal pneumonia, finally giving him the proper medication. Then, only a few days later, the doctors decided he was better and ready to be discharged.


The lawsuit claims that Washington felt weak and was complaining of poor health prior to the discharge. Despite his asking to remain in the hospital, security officers working for AlliedBarton called a cab to take him home. Other hospital staff complained at the time that Washington was “uncooperative” and had refused to talk or to move. Evidently his lack of cooperation was due to the fact that he was, tragically, already dead.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “If I am injured in a car accident or at work what should I do?”

Police in Wadesboro, North Carolina have admitted to making a mistake during their investigation of a Christmas Day accident that left a 13-month old girl dead. Initially, law enforcement authorities said that they believed the girl’s father, Alexander Hooper, was texting before the accident.


Texting phone Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Medical Malpractice AttorneyEarlier this week, Hooper was charged with texting while driving and driving left of center. Police say they found Hooper’s phone after the tragic accident and found a message on the phone that said “Merry Christmas.” They believed that the text was sent moments before the wreck and say that they think Hooper sent it to a friend.
However, after the accident was revealed publicly and police in Wadesboro said that they would charge Hooper with texting and driving, family members came forward to explain that Hooper was innocent. Family members said that Hooper was sent a message by a friend prior to the accident but never responded. Police officials say they reopened the investigation and reexamined the phone, admitting that mistakes were made prior to filing the initial charges.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What exactly is a wrongful death claim?”

In a tragic accident out of South Carolina, officials say that a seven-year-old boy died while riding a dirt bike his parents gave him for Christmas. The young boy, Tristan Gabriel Mericle, was hit and killed by a tractor-trailer while riding his new bike at his parents’ house.


Tractor Trailer Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Tractor-Trailer AttorneyNeighbors say that they heard a loud noise and by the time they came outside they saw debris spread across the road and saw the critically injured little boy following the wreck. The neighbors say the accident scene was truly horrific and that no one should have to witness such a terrible tragedy.


Witnesses say the boy was riding his dirt bike in his front yard and drove out onto Highway 97 in Chester County, South Carolina to turn his bike around. Sadly the young boy drove his bike into the lane of traffic right as an 18-wheeler was approaching.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “Are the laws or rules applying to a wrongful death claim different from a personal injury not involving death?”

A terrible accident this past August in Asheville, North Carolina left a newlywed couple dead and police officers searching for clues about what could have gone wrong. The couple, William Reid and his pregnant wife Jamie Reid, were both killed in the August 11th crash just outside Asheville while the two were being driven in a chauffeured Lincoln Town Car.

Ambulance Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Wrongful Death Attorney.jpgAt the time, police officials in Asheville said that it appeared the Town Car the couple was riding in left the highway and crashed into a tree. The driver of the Town Car, Rodney Koon, was suspected as a possible cause of the terrible accident, but an investigation still needed to be conducted to confirm what role Koon played in the fatal crash.

The crash struck a nerve given that the victims were so young, only 25 and 26, and appeared to have so much life left to live. The two had gotten married only a few months before the accident and soon thereafter became pregnant. They were both visiting North Carolina for a friend’s wedding and excited to return home to Pennsylvania where family and friends were waiting on them.

Just this past week, authorities in Asheville revealed that Koon would now be facing criminal charges in connection with their death. Koon has since been charged with two counts of felony death by vehicle and one count of DWI. Police have said that Koon was not under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash, saying only that it was a “substance.” One of the victim’s mothers has come forward and said she heard that the driver had traces of cocaine in his system at the time of the crash.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”

Two men that authorities say were involved in the recent ride malfunction at the North Carolina State Fair that sent five people to the hospital with serious injuries were formally indicted this past week. Wake County, NC’s District Attorney Colon Willoughby announced that the ride’s operator and the son of the owners of the ride were both charged in connection with the terrible October accident.

Roller Coaster Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Wrongful Death Attorney.jpgThe original incident occurred on the night of October 24th when one of the Vortex rides at the State Fair malfunctioned. Authorities say the ride restarted itself as riders were disembarking. This sent several people flying through the air, falling as much as 30 feet, including a family of three.

The operator of the Vortex, Tim Tutterrow, has been accused of tampering with the ride and now faces three counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon. Investigators say they believe Tutterrow tampered with the Vortex, specifically, that he overrode important safety features that kept the ride from turning on while it was stopped. Officials say they believe Tutterrow did so to keep the ride in business, a crucial shortcut that nearly cost several people their lives.

In addition to Tutterrow, Joshua Macaroni has been charged with identical crimes. Macaroni is the son of the couple that owns the Vortex. Macaroni’s employer, Family Attractions, has issued a statement saying that Macaroni was not involved in the accident and was never even in the state at the time of the incident. As a result, Family Attractions says it does not understand the basis for the charges filed against Macaroni. Wake County’s DA claims that they have good reason to charge Macaroni and will lay out their case later.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “Are the laws or rules applying to a wrongful death claim different from a personal injury not involving death?”

Everyone knows that industrial work can be dangerous. The large and powerful machines combine with a host of other potentially dangerous workplace conditions and can lead to disaster in some cases. We hope that employers take action to mitigate these risks, by inspecting machines carefully and providing safety training to workers. Sadly, this does not always happen and innocent workers pay the price.

Smoke Stack Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Medical Malpractice Attorney.jpgPolice in North Carolina say that a man from Randleman, NC died in a workplace accident late last week. Authorities have revealed that the victim was 61-year-old Martin Soto Rodriguez. Rodriguez was working at the Deep River Dyeing Company at the time of the fatal accident.

Emergency responders say Rodriguez was loading a machine at the dyeing factory when he became tangled in the fabric and was ultimately pulled into the machine. The machine he was loading the fabric into is similar to a washing machine and works by spinning the water out of the fabrics at very high rates of speed.

Rodriguez was pronounced dead at the scene and his family was notified soon thereafter. Officials with the North Carolina Department of Labor say they are investigating Rodriguez’s death and will be looking carefully to ensure that all required safety procedures were followed in the case.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “If I am injured in a car accident or at work what should I do?”

Several months ago we told you about the Wild West shootout gone awry at the Ghost Town theme park in Maggie Valley, North Carolina. In that case, an employee, Robert Bradley, was hit by a piece of shrapnel from a shotgun blast during what was supposed to be a stunt demonstration for park goers. The incident required Bradley to visit a hospital for medical treatment and led to an investigation into working conditions at the park by the North Carolina Labor Department.

Dead or Alive poster Charlotte Personal Injury Lawyer North Carolina Medical Malpractice Attorney.jpgAfter the accident, Bradley and the other gunslinger involved in the fake fight were fired by Ghost Town. In response to the firing, two other gunfighters walked off the job in protest, claiming that Ghost Town was in the wrong and that there was no reason to fire the two men.

The North Carolina Department of Labor also revealed at the time it was beginning its investigation that there had been a total lack of medical personnel on-site at the time of the accident, something the park is required to provide. The Department of Labor also claims that the first aid available was out of date and that there was no water available to wash the blood off of Bradley’s hands.

The state’s investigation recently concluded and the North Carolina Labor Department decided to fine Ghost Town over the Wild West actor’s injury. Just this week officials with the Labor Department announced a $2,000 fine for the theme park. A spokesperson said the fine was issued because the park failed to provide safe guns for workers.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What if a loved one dies from the injuries sustained in a serious accident while the case is pending?”

One tragic North Carolina accident highlights the very real danger of driving while exhausted. Troopers from the North Carolina Highway Patrol have said that a young man died in a single-car accident after a long day of shopping over Black Friday.

Man yawning Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Medical Malpractice Attorney.jpgAccording to officials, the Gaston County, NC wreck happened after Patrick Henry Boyd, a 19-year-old from Clover, SC, fell asleep behind the wheel of his 2011 Honda Accord. Investigators say that the group had been shopping all night at Concord Mills and that accident reports indicate that the car was traveling about 50 miles per hour before drifting off of the road. Officials say that there was no evidence that Boyd tried to brake, another strong indication that he had fallen asleep. Emergency responders say there were four other people in the car at the time of the wreck, all of whom were asleep during the crash and all of whom were wearing seatbelts at the time.

The vehicle driven by Boyd ultimately drifted out of its lane and slammed into a sign located at 1901 South Point Road. Two of the passengers were in serious condition following the accident while another two were treated for relatively minor injuries. All four were transported to CaroMont Regional Medical Center in Gastonia.

Police investigators say they have since interviewed other passengers in the car who said that prior to the accident Boyd mentioned how tired he was. The accident serves as tragic reminder that driving while tried can be even more dangerous than driving drunk.

This was confirmed when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a study that found that fatigued driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in the country. The study concluded that sleepy drivers are responsible for about 20 percent of all car wrecks.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”

New numbers released by the North Carolina Department of Labor show that it has become safer for individuals to work in the state. The DOL numbers revealed that the number of workplace injuries and illnesses dropped to 2.9 per 100 full-time workers in 2012. The number is down from the fairly consistent rate of 3.1 incidents per 100 workers that has been seen for the last few years.

Cutting Wood Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Workplace injury Attorney.jpgOfficials with the state say that not only has the number come down relative to the previous year, but the number is also down substantially from where it was just a little over a decade ago. Back in 1999, the injury/illness rate stood at 5.7 per 100 workers, almost double where it is today. North Carolina has followed a national trend of declining on-the-job injuries, with the high-water mark for most states occurring in 1999. Nationally, the injury rate was 6.3 per every 100 workers and has now fallen to 3.4 incidents per 100.

Experts say that North Carolina’s continual decline in workplace accidents and injuries has occurred because of more stringent state and national laws regulating workplace safety. Aggressive action by OSHA inspectors and their North Carolina equivalents have forced employers to more carefully train workers and better watch over the conditions of their workplaces.

Another development that has helped lower accident rates is participation in workers’ compensation insurance programs. Because businesses must obtain insurance to provide for their workers in the event of an on-the-job accident, they are subjected to increased premiums if insurers believe the employer does not do enough to encourage safety in the workplace. Those companies without good safety programs have to pay higher insurance rates, something that forces companies to consider the impact that poor safety standards can have on their bottom lines.

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Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “If I am injured in a car accident what should I do?”

Police in High Point, North Carolina reported a terrible accident that occurred late last week when a postal worker was seriously injured after being struck by another vehicle. According to authorities, the accident happened at the intersection of Wise Avenue and Pershing Street just after noon.

Mailboxes Charlotte Injury Lawyer North Carolina Wrongful Death Attorney

Authorities say that the postal worker, whose name has not yet been released, was inside her mail vehicle and was making a U-turn at the intersection when an oncoming vehicle struck her. The other vehicle was a pickup truck, which was heading east on Wise Avenue prior to the crash.

Police officers say that the force of the accident was serious enough that the postal worker was ejected from the vehicle, something that was likely responsible for the severity of her injuries. Emergency responders say the woman was taken to High Point Regional Medical Center and then, as her condition was discovered to be critical, was taken immediately to Wake Forest Medical Center for further treatment.

Police officers say that they have not yet filed charges against the driver of the pickup, but believe that charges could be forthcoming depending on the conclusion of the ongoing accident investigation. Early reports indicate that the driver of the pickup truck was traveling at a very high rate of speed prior to crashing into the postal worker.

Data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has revealed that in fatal accidents, speeding is the third leading contributing factor. That means that speeding ranks just after distracted driving and impaired driving as being responsible for thousands of deaths every year. In fact, statistics show that 13,000 lives are lost across the country every year due to speeding.

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