Articles Posted in Car Wreck

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Legal Briefs: What if the accident was my fault?

It is safe to say that either someone you know or you yourself have been involved in a car accident at some point. Car accidents can be anything from a minor fender bender to a multi-car pile-up on the highway. However “serious” a car accident is deemed to be, there is no way to predict the injuries that might result because of it. A “minor” accident can lead to a serious injury and a “major” accident can leave a driver or passenger with absolutely no injuries. There is just no way to predict the injury after a car accident. While you can not predict the injury that might result, you can take certain action to strengthen a personal injury claim after an accident occurs. A personal injury suit is a way to collect compensation for the damages suffered as a result of another’s negligence. Personal injury suits can be complicated and confusing, but each one can be approached with the same ideology: Strengthen your case as much as possible. A few simple actions can be the difference from being successful and unsuccessful in your claims.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”

The holiday season is upon us. For most of us that means spending time with family and friends, eating holiday treats, and celebrating the holiday season. With all of the enjoyment that the holiday season brings, it also has its stressors. One of the biggest stressors of the holiday season is traveling and feeling pressured to be everywhere at once to spend time with family and friends. The National Safety Counsel found that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are some of the most dangerous times for travel. Increased volume of drivers on the roadways, the pressure to be at the location as soon as possible, and the potential for bad weather, depending on your location, are all contributors to the danger of holiday traveling. This holiday season, it is imperative that you take the steps to protect you and your family when traveling. The following are just a few things that you can do to make your travels safer:

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “If I am injured in a car accident or at work what should I do?”

Car accidents never happen at a convenient time. Accidents can result in serious injuries that have consequences far beyond physically pain. In an ideal world, insurance companies would be happy to pay for the damages you are suffering as a result of the accident. Theoretically, you are paying a monthly premium for coverage for accidents or emergencies. In the real world, insurance companies are generally not eager to hand out settlements or large payments. Private insurance companies are much like other businesses; their aim is to increase profits. In order to increase profits, payments for damages must be minimized. A car accident attorney can help you determine what the best course of action is to recover damages. It is important to note that there is no guarantee that compensation for damages can be achieved, but an attorney can give you the best chance for success.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: ” If an incident report was filled out, do I have a right to receive a copy?”

The majority of people all across the United States rely on automobiles to get around. This is true in North Carolina, as well. Lack of reliable public transportation systems and convenience are popular reasons that people turn to cars to get around. With so many cars on the road, there are many car accidents. Reports show that in 2016, there were 267,494 traffic crashes reported in North Carolina. Breaking this down, this averages to approximately 732 traffic crashes every day.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What happens if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance?”

With so many cars on the road, it is not surprising that traffic accidents are a common occurrence. Studies show that the number of car crashes in North Carolina is increasing. This includes the number of hit and run accidents. A hit and run accident is just as it sounds – after a car crash, a car flees the scene of an accident. Being involved in a car accident can result in serious injuries. When a driver flees the scene of a car accident, it becomes more difficult for any injured victims to get justice.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “The insurance company wants to send me to their own doctor for a second opinion. Do I have to go?”

Anyone who has ever been involved in a car accident likely understands how frustrating it can be dealing with an insurance company. The adjusters understand that their job is to settle any claim for as little money as possible. This is why so many injured individuals turn to personal injury attorneys for assistance, discovering that attempts to resolve their issue alone often go nowhere. A recent case in Florida demonstrates just how difficult insurance companies can be. Unlike many examples, this one has a slight silver lining, with the insurance company now facing serious potential liability due to its poor treatment of the injured victim.

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “If I am injured in a car accident or at work what should I do?”

We recently discussed the issue of the rising death toll in auto accidents across the country. Figures released by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration revealed that more than 37,000 people died in auto accidents in 2016. The stunning figure represents not only an increase over the previous year, but a substantial increase when compared to only two years prior. In fact, traffic fatalities in the U.S. have leaped by an astounding 14.4% in the past two years alone.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”

A terrible case in Georgia appears to have resulted in a massive penalty for one of the country’s largest rental car companies, Avis. The case shows that though corporations often try and evade liability by labeling contractors as “independent”, this trick is not entirely effective in eliminating legal risk, even for companies as large and wealthy as Avis.

Charlotte Criminal Lawyer Brad Smith answers the question: “What happens if I am convicted of a DUI or DWI in Charlotte North Carolina?”

There’s been a big push in recent years by states across the country to legalize the use of marijuana. Though some started by limiting use to medicinal purposes, many have expanded beyond medicine into personal use. The argument in favor is that crimes involving marijuana unnecessarily harm individuals and clog up the court and jail system, all over something that isn’t even that destructive, at least relative to alcohol and other legal substances.

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What is subrogation and how may it factor into my case?”

We’re reminded on a seemingly endless basis just how dangerous personal electronic devices can be when used by drivers behind the wheel. Numbers from federal regulators show that fatal car accidents are increasing across the country and one main reason for the rise appears to be the prevalence of distracted driving. Though we all recognize the harm, at least theoretically, few appear to be willing to take concrete steps to make things better.

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