
Two North Carolina Women Die In Head-On Accident :: Personal Injury Attorneys and Lawyers in Charlotte, NC

Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What if the accident was my fault?”

Police in North Carolina say two women were killed in a head-on accident in Perquimans County early this weekend. According to news reports, the accident took place early in the morning on Friday.

Drive Slowly Sign Charlotte North Carolina Personal Injury Workers' Compensation Wrongful Death Attorney Lawyer.jpgThe names of the two women have not yet been released as authorities say they are still trying to notify their families. According to reports, a man crossed the center lane of Harvey Point Road near the intersection of Burgess Road and slammed into the oncoming car carrying the two women.

The man, whose name has also not yet been released, was taken to the Vidant Medical Center in Greenville for treatment of serious injuries. Police say they are still investigating what may have caused the fatal accident and are considering filing criminal charges against the male driver for failing to maintain control of his vehicle.

Head-on accidents are just what they sound like when the front of a car, truck or motorcycle slams into the front of another motor vehicle. Such accidents are generally serious and have a higher rate of causing fatalities than other crashes, with the exception of rollover accidents. In 2005, only two percent of all car accidents were head-on collisions but they accounted for 10 percent of fatal accidents.

Head-on crashes often result in death because of their abrupt nature. The sudden stop, which requires that forward movement instantly come to a halt, can cause terrible harm to vehicle occupants. As demonstration of the harm that such head-on accidents can cause, consider this example. When two vehicles of equal weight and size going the same speed crash head on, it is like crashing into a brick wall, and all forward movement stops immediately. In fact, a driver would be better off crashing into a parked car, as the parked car would give and move and not be a stationary force, stopping forward movement so abruptly.

Unfortunately for North Carolina drivers, and the two women in this case, nearly 83 percent of head-on crashes occur on two-lane, undivided, rural roads. One of the most common causes of such accidents is when one driver crosses the center line and crashing into an oncoming vehicle. Another common causes is when one driver incorrectly passes on a two-lane road.

If you, or someone you know, have any questions regarding personal injury claims, please feel free to contact the experienced personal injury attorneys and lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina at Arnold & Smith, PLLC for a free consultation. Call at 704-370-2828.

About the Author:

ARNOLD&SMITH_243 3.jpgMatthew Arnold is a Managing Member with Arnold & Smith, PLLC where he focuses his practice on Personal Injury, Family Law and Business Litigation. Mr. Arnold began his career handling insurance defense litigation for several major insurance companies. He also went on to handle business litigation cases and high value mortgage fraud cases, primarily in Superior Court.

Mr. Arnold grew up in Charlotte, graduating from Providence Senior High School and continued his education at Belmont Abbey College on a basketball scholarship. After graduating cum laude he attended law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on a full academic scholarship. In his spare time, Mr. Arnold enjoys golfing and spending time on the North Carolina Coast with his wife and three young children: two daughters and one son.


“Two women killed in Perquimans County car crash,” by Jeff Hampton, published at HamptonRoads.com.

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