A UPS driver was headed northbound on I-85 early in the morning heading out of Charlotte, NC when a gust of wind caught the back of the trailer and caused his vehicle to veer. The truck then smashed into a guardrail which knocked the back axle off the trailer.
Only moments later, another tractor-trailer, came down the same northbound lane and hit the axle resting in traffic. The second truck then ran off the side of the road into an embankment. The driver of the second tractor-trailer complained of back injuries and sought medical attention for his injuries.
The UPS driver whose axle caused the second truck to wreck has been charged with failing to maintain lane control.
Speed and inattention were yet again factors in a terrible and unnecessary tractor-trailer collision. Had the first truck driver been paying better attention and moving at a slower speed, the terrible wreck might never have occurred in the first place. Given that the first driver has been cited for failing to maintain lane control, the injured victim should consult with North Carolina personal injury attorneys to discuss what legal options may be available to him.
If you, or someone you know, have any questions regarding personal injury claims, please feel free to contact the experienced Charlotte, North Carolina trucking accident lawyers at Arnold & Smith, PLLC for a free consultation. Call at 704-370-2828.
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