Articles Posted in car accidents


National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What happens if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance?”   April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). Distracted driving is a continuing problem on our roads. Although the safety features in our vehicles continue to…


Personal Injury Claims in North Carolina – The Basics

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”   Accidents can happen in an instant. When an accident results in serious injuries, the negligent party should be held responsible for your damages. Some accidents cause severe or long-term injuries…


What Causes Car Accidents?

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What if the accident was my fault?”   The number of vehicles on our roadways continues to increase over time. In 2020, there were more than 3,398,000 vehicles registered in North Carolina. With so many cars on the road it is…


Motorcycle Accidents in North Carolina

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What if a loved one dies from the injuries sustained in a serious accident while the case is pending?”   Motorcycles are a popular mode of transportation. Motorcyclists ride for pleasure in addition to using the vehicle to get to and…


Who is Liable in Work Zone Car Accidents in North Carolina?

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “Can I wait a few months to pursue a personal injury claim?”   North Carolina’s roads and highways often need repair and maintenance due to an ever-increasing number of motor vehicles, including trucks, in the state. That means that there is…


Four Most Common Causes of Personal Injury on the Labor Day Holiday Weekend

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What if the accident was my fault?”   When summer ends, Americans celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday in September. During the long holiday weekend, millions of Americans attend backyard barbecues, beach parties, picnics, firework shows, and other events with…


Are Employers Liable for Car Accidents Caused by Their Employees?

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “The insurance adjuster is saying I am partially negligent what does that mean?”   Often, people get injured in auto accidents caused by individuals driving a company car in the scope of their employment. Can injured persons file a personal injury…


North Carolina’s Contributory Negligence Doctrine: Fault, Compensation, and Exceptions

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Matt Arnold answers the question: “What if the accident was my fault?”   In North Carolina, those who become injured in car accidents or other accidents must prove that another individual or entity was negligent in causing their injury in order to obtain compensation. However, since…


Car Accidents Caused by Drugged Driving in North Carolina

Personal injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “I was involved in a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Do I need a lawyer?”   In North Carolina, victims of auto accidents caused by drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs can obtain compensation for their losses and damages. While suing a…


Car Accidents Caused by Drugged Driving in North Carolina

Charlotte Injury Lawyer Matt Arnold answers the question: “What happens if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance?”   In North Carolina, victims of auto accidents caused by drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs can obtain compensation for their losses and damages. While suing a motorist who was under the influence…

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