Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “What can you sue for in a personal injury case?”
In an alarming bit of news out of AAA, officials say the number of hit-and-run accidents across North Carolina is on the rise. The Automobile Association says that numbers show that those living in Charlotte specifically and in North Carolina more generally are all at increased risk of being involved in a dangerous hit-and-run collision.
Statewide the numbers are even wore, with five hit-and-run accidents occurring across the state every day. The statewide rate of hit-and-run collisions has risen by 5.7 percent so far this year.
Experts say that hit-and-run accidents have long been a serious problem but seldom receive the kind of attention they deserve. These types of accidents often fly under the radar, but hopefully will be given renewed emphasis after the recent numbers were publicized. Officials with AAA say that hit-and-run accidents are quite serious and make up one out of every four reported accidents in the Charlotte area as of last year, an incredibly high rate compared to other areas.
Those with experience in the area say that part of the problem is increasing traffic volume, an issue that impacts jurisdictions across the country. However, drivers in the area may have an added incentive to drive off after an accident given the relatively lax penalties they might face. The problem is that some North Carolina drivers feel they have little to lose by leaving the scene of an accident and this attitude needs to change for the numbers to ever come down.
Law enforcement officials with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department say they believe two groups are largely responsible for the hit-and-run accidents seen across the city: drunk drivers and drivers without valid licenses. CMPD officials say that in their experience these two groups both have big incentives to leave the scene of a wreck given the additional punishment they would face if caught by officers. The hope is that through increased enforcement, these drivers will eventually be dissuaded from taking the risk of leaving the scene of a crash.
If you, or someone you know, have any questions regarding personal injury claims, please feel free to contact the experienced personal injury attorneys and lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina at Arnold & Smith, PLLC for a free consultation. Call at 704-370-2828 or click here for additional resources.
About the Author:
Mr. Arnold grew up in Charlotte, graduating from Providence Senior High School and continued his education at Belmont Abbey College on a basketball scholarship. After graduating cum laude he attended law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on a full academic scholarship. In his spare time, Mr. Arnold enjoys golfing and spending time on the North Carolina Coast with his wife and three young children: two daughters and one son.
“Hit-And-Run accidents on the rise in Charlotte,” by Brody O’Connell, published at
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