
FBI Agent Injured in Charlotte Accident with Distracted Driver

According to WBTV, an off-duty FBI agent was injured in a car accident when a speeding driver careened off the road and barreled into his SUV parked on the side of Interstate 485. In all, three individuals had to receive treatment for their injuries as a result of the reckless North Carolina driver. The driver responsible for the accident was driving a pickup truck and traveling at speeds in excess of 80 M.P.H. in a 65 M.P.H. zone.

Investigators say the driver was attempting to avoid another vehicle when she crashed into the agent’s SUV as it was parked on the shoulder with its blue lights flashing. The driver suffered life threatening injuries and had to be airlifted to Carolinas Medical Center-Main. The driver was accompanied by a passenger who was also injured, though not seriously. Investigators are still trying to discover the cause of the accident. They are attempting to determine whether texting or alcohol was involved.

It seems that the driver of the pickup truck was likely distracted. This is yet more proof of the dangers associated with distracted driving. Distracted driving has become a huge road hazard, enough that the federal government has gotten involved. It has devoted an entire website to telling the world about the dangers of distracted driving. According to http://www.distraction.gov, in 2009, 20% of the crashes that reported injuries involved distracted driving. Of accidents that involved fatalities that number was 16%.

Although the police are not certain what caused the accident in this case, if the driver of the pickup truck was distracted because of something she was doing in the car at the time of the crash, she will likely be liable for the injuries to the agent and her passenger. The FBI agent and the passenger will have a cause of action against her negligence. She failed to exercise due care in the operation of her vehicle. As a driver, she had a duty to ensure that the operation of her vehicle did not interfere with other drivers. Driving while distracted is a textbook example of negligence on the road.

The Charlotte personal injury attorneys at Arnold & Smith PLLC are dedicated to fighting for injured individuals. Our attorneys will work tirelessly on your behalf and ensure that you are compensated if you or someone you know has been injured in a similar incident. Please do not hesitate to call (704) 370-2828 for a free consultation today.

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