Charlotte Driver Charged In Deadly Tractor-Trailer Wreck :: Personal Injury Attorneys and Lawyers in Charlotte, NC

Attorney Matthew R. Arnold answering the question: “Are the laws or rules applying to a wrongful death claim different from a personal injury not involving death?”

Police in Winston-Salem say they have filed charges against a driver from Charlotte, NC after a deadly tractor-trailer accident on U.S. Highway 52 occurred earlier last month. Officers say they issued a warrant for Hiep Tan Truong’s arrest on Monday.

Authorities say Truong lost control of his commercial vehicle on U.S. 52 at the beginning of May and drove into a concrete median. The accident set off a chain reaction of collisions that involved four other vehicles and left several injured and one man dead. Road Lines Charlotte Personal Injury Wrongful death Attorney Lawyer.jpg

Police say that Truong was driving his box truck at more than 15 miles per hour above the speed limit in the midst of a downpour. After hitting an oncoming car head-on, the truck continued and crashed into two more vehicles before finally overturning.

Police say Kenneth Leroy Baum was thrown from his Chevy Impala and died as a result of the accident. Truong was charged with misdemeanor death by motor vehicle for his actions that morning and is being held under a $5,000 unsecured bond. Truong is not set to appear in court until June 24th.

To avoid a deadly accident like the one that left Baum dead, drivers in North Carolina need to be especially wary on rainy days. The most important rule you can follow on wet roads is to slow down. Vehicles are more difficult to control on wet pavement and the best way to increase the grip of your tires is to slow the speed of the vehicle down. Though driving slowly is a good idea, it’s a bad idea to slow down quickly. Break evenly and slowly, slamming the brake can cause you to lose control of the vehicle and send the car into a skid.

It’s also important to avoid making any sudden movements with your steering wheel. Jerking the car can cause the tires to slip and lead to a fishtail. Remember to keep distance between your car and others on the road to allow everyone the necessary room to come to a stop. Finally, if the weather is truly terrible pull over in a parking lot and wait out the height of the storm. No errand is so important that it’s worth risking your safety and taking a few minutes to stay off the road might be the best way to keep yourself and others out of harms way.

If you, or someone you know, have any questions regarding personal injury claims, please feel free to contact the experienced personal injury attorneys and lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina at Arnold & Smith, PLLC for a free consultation. Call at 704-370-2828.


“Charlotte Driver Charged In Fatal Accident On U.S. 52 In Winston-Salem,” published at

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